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Work Permit in Canada

Is a Work Permit Required in Canada?

In Canada, a work permit is crucial for foreign nationals due to the country’s immigration policies and labor market needs. One of the primary reasons for this requirement is to protect the employment opportunities for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Canada has a well-developed system to manage its labor market, ensuring that local workers are given priority for job openings. By requiring work permits, the government ensures that foreign workers are hired only for positions where there is a genuine shortage of qualified local candidates, thereby safeguarding job opportunities for Canadians.

Another significant reason for the work permit requirement in Canada is to support the country’s economic growth and sector-specific needs. Canada has a diverse and dynamic economy with specific demands in various sectors such as technology, healthcare, agriculture, and construction. The work permit system allows the government to attract skilled foreign professionals who can fill these critical gaps, thereby enhancing productivity and innovation. This targeted approach is essential for addressing labor shortages in high-demand areas and for fostering economic development.

Ensuring compliance with labor laws and standards is also a fundamental aspect of Canada’s work permit system. The government uses the work permit process to ensure that foreign workers are employed under conditions that meet Canadian labor laws. This includes ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to social benefits such as healthcare and pensions. By enforcing these standards, the government aims to prevent exploitation and abuse, ensuring that all workers in Canada, both local and foreign, are treated fairly and equitably.

Canada Work Permit

Number of Expats:


Expats Job Websites:

Popular Industries for Expats:

Healthcare, Life Sciences, Transport, Utilities, Technology, Construction

Types of Canadian Work Visas Available

A  Canada work visa is required by almost anyone wishing to work in Canada. Canada has mainly two types of work permits:

A  Canada work visa is required by almost anyone wishing to work in Canada. Canada has mainly two types of work permits:

The two types of Canadian Work Visas are as follows:-

Employer-Specific Work Permit

As the name suggests, this type of work permit is appropriate for foreign nationals who will work for one employer only. This naturally means that the permit holder must follow the conditions set in their Canada work visa when working in the country. The permit usually also contains information about the employer, the location of work, and the duration of employment.

Open Work Permit

This type of work permit is more flexible as it allows its holder to apply and work for any employer. However, this permit isn’t appropriate for all and is usually issued to individuals who have suffered abuse as recognized by the scope of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program of Canada.

Canada issues work permits for various kinds of workers, temporary, permanent, or business owners. As a result, Canada work permit requirements change from case to case depending upon the type of worker and the work permit required.

Requirements for a Canadian Work Permit

Before applying for a permanent work permit in Canada, you must first work on a temporary work permit for a few years. Only after completing one or more years with this permit will you be eligible to apply for a permanent work permit in Canada. Then, you can apply for a permanent Canada work visa through the online Express Entry system.

Under the permanent Canadian work permit category, there are three skilled worker immigration programs. These programs are listed below:-

1) Federal Skilled Worker,

2) Federal Skilled Trades, and,

3) Canadian Experience Class

The requirements needed for each of these programs are varied. But there are essential requirements for how to apply for a Canadian work visa through Express Entry. The applications typically need to have the following:-

  • Passport or travel document
  • Education credential assessment report
  • Language test results
  • Written letter confirming job offer from a Canadian employer
  • Provincial nomination (if the employee has one)
  • Police certificate
  • Medical exam
  • Proof of funds for your stay

The Federal Skilled Worker Program follows a point-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to test applicants’ English or French language skills, education, experience, age, adaptability, and arranged employment. The applicants require a minimum of 67 points out of 100 to qualify for the Canada work visa.

Canadian Work Permit Application Process

First, you have to apply for a temporary work visa in Canada to be eligible for a permanent work permit. The basic steps to file a temporary Canada work visa application are as follows:

Applying for labor market opinion:

Before you can apply for a work permit, make sure that your employer has qualified for the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), previously known as an LMO. This step must be completed by your employer beforehand.

Obtaining a temporary job offer:

You have to obtain a photocopy of the positive LMIA along with a detailed job offer letter from your employer. This letter is a formal employment contract stating important information about your job, including job title, description, salary, etc.

Applying for a work permit:

Only after completing these steps can you apply for a Canadian temporary work permit with the required documents. In addition, you may have to meet with an officer who will determine if your employment negatively affects jobs for Canadians. Finally, only after qualification will you get a Canadian work visa.

Obtaining a work permit:

After working in Canada with a temporary work permit, you can apply for a permanent work permit where you will be judged based on your job classification and language proficiency.

Timeframe for Work Permit Application

The Canadian work permit processing time varies depending on when you completed your application and the office at which you are applying. On average, it takes between 1-27 weeks to process a Canadian Work Visa.

Canadian Work Permit Fees

All Canada work visa applicants have to pay an application fee. The work permit fee consists of two kinds of fees – the application fee and the biometric fee.

The table below will help you understand what fee you have to pay for Canada work visa application:

Types of ApplicantsWork Permit Fees (in CAD)
Application FeesBiometric Fees
Individual applicant15585(per person), 170(per family with at least two members)
Group Applicant (at least 3 applicants)465255

You can choose to pay the work permit fees online as well as at the Visa Application Centre.

This is How Multiplier Can Help With a Canadian Work Permit

We are a global employer of record services solution with a local presence in over 150 countries possessing impeccable experience in global HR administration. In addition, we ensure top-class employee experience while onboarding them as well.

The Canada work visa application process involves complicated steps. Partner with Multiplier to shed the load off processing the application and work permits. Our experts will guide you through each step in obtaining a Canadian work permit right from the beginning and keep you updated on all developments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Canada offers two main types of work permits:

  • Employer-Specific Work Permit: This permit allows foreign nationals to work for a specific employer listed on the permit. It includes details about the employer, job location, and duration of employment.
  • Open Work Permit: This permit allows its holder to work for any employer in Canada. However, it is usually issued under specific circumstances, such as for individuals who have suffered abuse under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Requirements vary depending on the type of work permit and program, but generally include:

  • A valid passport or travel document
  • Education credential assessment report
  • Language test results (English or French)
  • Written job offer from a Canadian employer
  • Proof of funds for your stay
  • Medical examination
  • Police certificate​

The application process involves several steps:

  • Applying for Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA): The employer must obtain a positive LMIA from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
  • Receiving a Job Offer: The applicant must receive a formal job offer from the employer.
  • Submitting the Application: Complete the work permit application form and submit it along with the required documents and fees to the Canadian visa office or online through the Government of Canada website.
  • Biometric and Interview: Provide biometric details and attend a visa interview if required​

The processing time for a Canada work permit varies based on the type of permit, the country of residence, and the completeness of the application. It typically ranges from 1 to 27 weeks​

The fees for a Canada work permit include:

  • Application fee: CAD 155 per person
  • Biometric fee: CAD 85 per person or CAD 170 for a family of two or more members
  • Group application fee (for three or more performers): CAD 465​

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